Monday, August 18, 2008

My Summer is Officially Over

Well, I start classes today! I'm actually excited about it. I am ready to start school so I can be finished with it soon. This last week was a great week. (Except for Tuesday I was sick.) But overall it was a good week. I celebrated my birthday and also my 1 year anniversary with my boyfriend. My parents also went to Red River which gave me a little bit of a break. For our 1 year we went out to his parents and ate dinner then just went back to my house and watched movies. He got me a 3 stone necklace and a dozen roses. He can actually be romantic at times.
Well enough mushy stuff. I am also working during the day at the lake so I can still get hours. I love getting off at 4:30. I have 3 more weeks here at the lake then I am off to Atwoods. Never thought I would be saying this but I actually miss that place.
Well I better get back to work. Just wanted to update!

1 comment:

Cheri said...

Get my text this weekend? If not, I'll resend!!!!