Monday, August 18, 2008

My Summer is Officially Over

Well, I start classes today! I'm actually excited about it. I am ready to start school so I can be finished with it soon. This last week was a great week. (Except for Tuesday I was sick.) But overall it was a good week. I celebrated my birthday and also my 1 year anniversary with my boyfriend. My parents also went to Red River which gave me a little bit of a break. For our 1 year we went out to his parents and ate dinner then just went back to my house and watched movies. He got me a 3 stone necklace and a dozen roses. He can actually be romantic at times.
Well enough mushy stuff. I am also working during the day at the lake so I can still get hours. I love getting off at 4:30. I have 3 more weeks here at the lake then I am off to Atwoods. Never thought I would be saying this but I actually miss that place.
Well I better get back to work. Just wanted to update!

Monday, August 4, 2008

Mobile blogging

Summer coming to an End

Well....not much has changed since I last wrote. I'm still working at the lake! Only 1 more month to go! YAY!!!! But the bad part is school is starting. I'm taking a semester to relax and get some electives in. That's a good way to put it.
Not much has changed in my life. We just found out my dad is having knee surgery on the 21st of this month. Nothing major. Also on the 14th of this month my boyfriend and I will celebrate our 1 year anniversery. I can't believe it has already been that long. I guess they say time flys when you're having a good time! Not much else to put here.